
Saturday, March 2, 2013


The last post I already written a lil bit about Warm Bodies but I think I want make the new post about this movie.... well, actually I know about this movie last year my best friend Phiez told me and she said this movie based on a novel with the same title.... since she loves zombie and I prefer witch and vampire ( Exclude Twilight Saga-- I just like the Twilight not the rests) I though this movie just okay. I didn't put any attention about this movie and when the book finally published in bahasa I didn't buy it, but now.. I want buy it so badly! hahaha will buy it for sure when I go to bookstore.

BUT!! when I finally watched the movie...I just like it hahahahaha I know the story just so simple and also the movie, but I love the character and the dialog it was just funny and geeky! lol
and I think the music score and soundtrack just seems so right for every scenes. My favorite song is Hungry Hearts by Bruce Springteen lol

I think R is really a sweet and nice guy hahahahhaa with his stupidity and pale personality and expression for sure ( I admit I always love a guy who has a sweet smile and smile eyes, I prefer R attitude instead someone too romantic until feel like so overwhelming!) even one of my best friend said R not that sweet ;p and she said the movie just so freak.... yeah well like Phiez said to me not all people get the jokes lol  ( we laughed so hard at cinema!! event the old guy next to me and some couples). At least for me and my friends the jokes are really funny and smart with all the twists lol just love it!!

What a surprise for me is the author Mr. Issac Marion is still a young guy.. I mean 32 (coz I thought he was 40 something hehehehe) you have a warm heart just like R Mr. Issac? XD >.<

Our favorite "short" sentences from this movie are:



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