
Saturday, November 26, 2011

Learning From The Sweets

久しぶりですね。。。。*too much dorama* lol. Actually I want make this post since a few weeks ago but I didn't get any guts hahaha and  I was quite busy. Well since I resigned from my lovely job as food writer and stylish *Honestly, the testing food part was awesome ;p* I try to make a patisserie shop, the problem is I'm not a chef and I'm not the expert bakery at all. I am just the foodie and mad about dessert, I can cook and baking for sure because my mom, my grand mother are the chef for our home and they also sell their products, you know... a home industry.

 My grand mother ( I called her Emak) was an incredible "chef" ! her food just like a heaven and she loved food so much! ( now I know where's my habit and my body shape come from wkwkwkwk). My mom is a great baker with highly patient attitude lol, which is I don't have it :( I am quite temper for sure but since I started making dessert, it's like a therapy for me. Honestly I have thrown away some batter or cookies or cake because they were not good enough and I didn't want to see them.....

But anyway the important thing is never stopped to learn and keep humble, when I have a little bit penny on my pocket (okay...actually we don't have penny lol) I will bought some cakes, dessert or cookies just for testing and from my tongue I learn about flavor, texture, etc. We can't always think our cakes are better than others, because when you think like that way,  you will be finished by ego. If you taste something below your standard, learn why the taste like this..... even from the worst you can learn something....

I have met a lot chefs, they are from 5 * hotels, cafe, restaurant until celebrity chefs, etc. I've met chef with a big ego and told me some lies, the idealism, the artisan, etc. Well.....they have their own taste and style but I don't care I just care about your cakes, your food and I learn....

Actually I just want to make the sweets, the dessert, the cakes, and whatever you call them... have the ability  to make people smile and happy.
Thanks to Bonjour for allowed me to take some pictures of your lovely dessert....the taste AWESOME!


  1. oi fel, ni gw olin. gw pake anom aja yach.. hehehe...

    keren2 dah tulisan u fel.. foto2nya juga membangkitkan selera dan menggagalkan iman untuk berdiet... wkwkwk

    sering2 nulis donk nek.. kan u ada talent disini, sayang kalo ga diasah..

  2. hehehe.. numpang comment ^^
    nice writting Fel ^^
    anyway gw suka yg bagian ini "I've met chef with a big ego and told me some lies, the idealism, the artisan, etc. Well.....they have their own taste and style but I don't care I just care about your cakes, your food and I learn...." setuju gw ma lo Fel ^^ ngingetin pngalaman gw pas ktemu org2 yg jago2 gambar (gw ga ada apa2nya dah hahaha) dgn masing2 big ego mreka jg hahaha.. style gw yah style gw, kaga ngikut2 style org.. kepentingan gw cmn pelajari art drawing mereka hehehe...

  3. Mantep!!!!!!!!! hehhe...
    ini ini yang gw tunggu...nice post.. aku juga ngk maw kalah nih tentang sweets...hehhe ngk apa!! yang diperlukan Entrepreneur itu perlu Sensibility, Connection ama Business plant!!! jadiii jangan menyerahh!!! kIta MAw kita bisaa!!!! hehehhe

  4. @Olin: heheheh iya sibuk di kitchen jd suka no power to write hahahah tp diary ttp nulis wekekekek

    @Hikaru: thanks dear ;) yep that's right... yang namanya skill dan art itu mau gimana jgua ga akan bs persis sama setiap org punya gaya dan rasanya sendiri2 heheheh

    @Raja Kun: arigatou!! :D big agree bro! gambarimasyou! >.<
